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Senator Baldwin is deeply concerned by the Trump Administration’s efforts to target the essential federal workers that keep our country safe, ensure Americans get their benefits, and support veterans. If you are a federal employee from Wisconsin and would like to submit your story, please click here. If you are a Whistleblower and would like to submit a complaint via the Senate Democrats Whistleblower Portal, please click here.

NEW: From the Office of Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers

Gov. Evers and the Evers Administration have announced a new portal and additional resources designed to support fired federal workers and other displaced professionals as well as those seeking different employment opportunities to help connect them with available work. Access the portal here.

Resources for Federal Employees

Federal employees have rights and remedies under the law, and if you believe you are being targeted for an improper or illegal reason, you should:

  • Document everything
  • Seek legal advice, either from an attorney who specializes in federal employee law or from your union
  • File a complaint

Learn How to File a Complaint (U.S. Office of Special Counsel)

Prohibited personnel practices are employment-related activities that are banned in the federal workforce because they violate the merit system. The Office of the Special Counsel has the authority to investigate and prosecute violations of the following prohibited personnel practices: 

  • Discrimination
  • Considering Inappropriate Recommendations
  • Coercing Political Activity
  • Obstructing Competition
  • Influencing Withdrawal from Competition
  • Granting Unauthorized Advantage
  • Nepotism
  • Whistleblower Retaliation
  • Other Retaliation
  • Other Discrimination
  • Veterans Preference
  • Violating Rules That Implement a Merit System Principle
  • Imposing Nondisclosure Agreement That Doesn't Allow Whistleblowing
  • Accessing rules or regulations that directly concern the merit system principles

Learn How to File a Complaint (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

If you are a federal employee or job applicant, the law protects you from discrimination because of your race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or genetic information. The law also protects you from retaliation if you oppose employment discrimination, file a complaint of discrimination, or participate in the Equal Employment Opportunity complaint process. 

Learn How to File an Appeal (U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board)

One of the Merit Systems Protection Board’s primary statutory functions is to protect Federal merit systems against partisan political and other prohibited personnel practices by adjudicating employee appeals over which the Board has been given jurisdiction.

Resources for Whistleblowers

Doxing refers to the internet-based practice of gathering an individual’s personally identifiable information—or an organization’s sensitive information—from open source or compromised material and publishing it online for malicious purposes.

A number of unions have a national consultation relationship with the Office of Personnel Management.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this webpage does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice from Senator Baldwin. All information, content, and materials available on this page are for general informational purposes only. For legal advice, consult an attorney or if you are in a bargaining unit, consult your union.

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