Programmatic requests are appropriations requests for Congress to fund an authorized federal program at a specific level or to include language directing a federal agency to implement a program in a specific way. Requests must be merit-based and comply with Senate rules regarding competitive or formula-driven processes.
The window for making Fiscal Year 2024 programmatic requests is now closed.
If you have questions regarding making your request, the appropriations process, or previously submitted requests, please feel free to connect with Senator Baldwin's staff via email for assistance.
Returning users to the electronic application portal can login using their previous credentials. You may submit requests under the same account for multiple Senate offices.
New users should create an account, then use your new account information to sign-in and complete your request(s).
Once you begin, you will have the option to save your responses and return to finalize your request(s) and/or upload any supplementary documents at any time prior to the due date. You may submit multiple FY2024 programmatic requests to Senator Baldwin's office for different programs.