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Sen. Baldwin Wants Emergency Plan for Propane Shortages

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin is asking the administration to make a better plan in case of another propane crisis.

Baldwin, along with Minnesota’s Senator Al Franken, has sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Energy, saying emergency protocols need to be in place should propane supplies get squeezed like they did last year.

“We want to make sure that there’s a plan of action, were a propane shortage or crisis to occur again.  And it really has to do with developing clear actions that need to be taken by various federal agencies, in response to news of a shortage.” 

Baldwin says some steps have already been taken, like improving data collection that keeps tabs on propane supplies.

But she says more should be done, like outlining what criteria will signal a crisis, and what steps different agencies will take.

“We just want to make sure that what happened last year – that was so frightening to the quarter million Wisconsites that heat their homes with propane, and the many small businesses that do the same –we want peace of mind that there’s an action plan at the ready.”

Last year prices skyrocketed as high as six dollars a gallon, leaving many customers unable to fill their tanks.

Propane supplies are expected to be more stable this year, with a new propane terminal opening up in west-central Wisconsin, and many customers buying fuel earlier.