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U.S. Senate confirms Peterson as federal judge in Madison

The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed Madison lawyer James D. Peterson's appointment to the U.S District Court bench in Madison.

Peterson, formerly a partner at Godfrey & Kahn, was among three names forwarded to President Barack Obama in August by a nominating commission created by Wisconsin's senators, Ron Johnson, a Republican, and Tammy Balwin, a Democrat.

"I appreciate all the hard work of those serving on our federal nominating commission, and I thank my colleague, Sen. Baldwin, for working with me on creating a successful bipartisan process," Johnson said in a statement.

. The result is the selection of a well-qualified jurist, James D. Peterson, who will serve the nation and the people of Wisconsin’s western district well.”

"James Peterson will be an outstanding U.S. Federal District Judge and his experience, qualifications and expertise will serve the Western District of Wisconsin well,” Baldwin said in the same news release.

U.S. District Court judges serve lifetime terms.