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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin visits Milwaukee and tours Johnson Controls to highlight investments in innovation

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin was in Milwaukee on Wed., Jan. 16 where she visited Johnson Controls. Senator Baldwin toured the company’s Battery Technology Center and Battery Test Facility and ride in their re-engineered “Micro Hybrid” vehicle. The technology is aimed at offering better fuel efficiency than start-stop at a cheaper cost than a hybrid or electric vehicle.

Baldwin’s top priority is moving our economy forward for small businesses, manufacturers, and Wisconsin families. In the U.S. Senate Baldwin is focused on investing in education, job training, research, technology and innovation, in order to build a strong “Made in Wisconsin” manufacturing economy.

Baldwin was sworn into the United States Senate on January 3r.. In the 113th Congress, Baldwin serves on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), the Senate Budget Committee, and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

She also serves on the Senate Special Committee on Aging.

In addition to the tour Baldwin took a ride in one of JCI’s research projects, a re-engineered “Micro Hybrid” vehicle. This was done on a BMW 3 Series car.

Baldwin was very interested in the inner workings of the facility, and was guided through the facility with various research technicians in addition to the director of academic and technical programs, Mike Andrew. The entire tour and drive lasted for an hour, and she took questions from the press following the tour.