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WI lawmakers react to sequester deadline

For weeks the sequester deadline has loomed with little progress in Washington.

"It's frustrating for the American people," Democratic Senator Tammy Baldwin said.

In less than 36 hours billions of dollars in budget cuts will take effect nation wide.

"We have to get back to an orderly way of dealing with our nation's budget," Senator Baldwin said.

But, she says that won't happen until both sides start working together.

"As people see the effect of the cuts to their local communities they will insist that they (their local politicians) return and begin to work across the party aisle," Baldwin told Newsline 9.

But, Republican Senator Ron Johnson says it's not that simple. He says it's time the president starts making the tough decisions.

"Families have had to live with less, the private sector businesses have had to cut back, trim their budgets, it's about time for the government to trim its fat," Senator Johnson said.

For days the White House has been warning of the dire consequences of these cuts. But, Senator Johnson says Americans will hardly feel a thing. 

"You're talking about $85 billion in a 3,533-billon dollar budget, it's only 2.3% of it."

Regardless, both sides agree something needs to be done to address the problem of federal spending.

Congress has until 11:59 p.m. Friday night to reach an agreement.