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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces Funding to Expand NorthLakes Community Clinic in Ashland to Combat Opioid Epidemic

Exactly one year after meeting with local leaders fighting opioid crisis, Senator Baldwin announces USDA funding she helped secure to increase addiction treatment at clinic

ASHLAND, WI – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin returned to Ashland today to announce funding to expand NorthLakes Community Clinic and combat the opioid epidemic.

“One year ago today, I sat down with local leaders for a discussion about how Ashland County is fighting the opioid epidemic. It was clear that Washington needed to step up and be a stronger partner by investing in local prevention, treatment and recovery efforts,” said Senator Baldwin. “Today, I’m excited to announce that NorthLakes Community Clinic will receive new funding to expand their facility in Ashland and strengthen their efforts to combat the opioid epidemic in the community.”

Exactly one year ago, Senator Baldwin hosted a roundtable discussion on the opioid and heroin epidemic with local leaders in Ashland, including Ashland Mayor Deb Lewis, Ashland County District Attorney Kelly McKnight and Ashland Police Chief Jim Gregoire.

Today, Senator Baldwin announced a loan she helped Northlands Community Clinic secure from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to expand the clinic and increase opioid addiction treatment. Following the announcement, Senator Baldwin hosted a follow-up discussion to last year’s meeting with local leaders for an update on the fight against the opioid epidemic in Ashland.