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Baldwin Brings Home $80M Infrastructure Investment for Columbia County Bridges

COLUMBIA CO., Wis. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) announced today that the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will receive $80 million dollars funded through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) to replace multiple bridges in Columbia County. Senator Baldwin voted for the legislation, which President Biden signed into law last year.

The project will replace the existing I-39/90/94 Wisconsin River Bridge with two new bridge spans dedicated to serve traffic in opposite directions. Two overcrossing bridges for county roads (CTH U and CTH V), will also be replaced.

“I voted to get the job done on infrastructure legislation because it will create good paying jobs and put Wisconsin to work fixing and rebuilding our bridges,” said Senator Baldwin. “This federal investment to rebuild bridges in Columbia County will increase safety and strengthen our supply chain to move Wisconsin products to market and help support economic growth.”

This Wisconsin project is funded through The Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) program, a program that saw a more than 50 percent increase in annual funding due to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act backed by Baldwin.

“We are very grateful to Senator Baldwin for her strong support to secure funds through the INFRA Grant for the I-39/90/94 Wisconsin River bridges project," said WisDOT Secretary Craig Thompson. "This important investment helps rebuild a vital link for freight and tourist traffic bound for destinations across Wisconsin. We are committed to improving this critical section of interstate to keep Wisconsinites and visitors moving safely and efficiently.”
