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Baldwin Introduces Bill to Cover 90,000 Wisconsinites Caught in Health Care Gap, Forge Path to Medicaid Expansion

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) joined Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-GA) in introducing the Bridge to Medicaid Act to finally provide health care coverage to the tens of thousands of Wisconsinites in the Medicaid coverage gap. The legislation would provide a temporary health care option for people in the Medicaid coverage gap to get subsidized private health care until non-expansion states like Wisconsin finally expand Medicaid. The legislation would also put Wisconsin on a path to join the 40 other states that have expanded Medicaid under the Baldwin-backed Affordable Care Act (ACA).

“For over a decade, Wisconsin Republicans have played politics and refused to expand Medicaid, denying nearly 90,000 Wisconsinites access to affordable, high-quality health care,” said Senator Baldwin. “The Bridge to Medicaid Act will help right this wrong, opening the door to affordable health care for the tens of thousands of Wisconsinites currently locked out of Medicaid and getting more children and families the care they need. Our bill will put Wisconsin on a path to finally expanding Medicaid for good, reducing costs for working families and helping people stay healthy for years to come.”

Currently, 10 states including Wisconsin have still refused the Medicaid expansion offered under the ACA, denying 1.5 million Americans with low incomes health coverage. In Wisconsin, the state legislature’s failure to fully expand Medicaid has kept 89,000 Wisconsinites from being able to access affordable, comprehensive coverage through BadgerCare. This obstruction has also meant the refusal of $1.6 billion in federal funding.

The Bridge to Medicaid Act would extend subsidies to individuals who are in the coverage gap and who cannot afford insurance on the ACA Marketplace for 3 years. Individuals in non-expansion states making between 100 percent and 138 percent of the federal poverty level would also qualify for these subsidies and enhanced plans. The Bridge to Medicaid Act would extend premium subsidies to Americans below 138 percent of the federal poverty line currently locked in the coverage gap in non-expansion states. This population would be eligible for highly reduced deductibles and cost-sharing. Finally, it would ensure that Americans caught in the Medicaid gap can access coverage at any time, not just during the annual ACA Marketplace open enrollment or special enrollment periods.

The legislation is co-sponsored by Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Jon Ossoff (D-GA).

"This legislation is an essential step forward in ensuring that all Wisconsinites, including Community Health Center patients, can access high-quality, affordable health insurance coverage and count on the ACA marketplace to deliver accessible options for their families. WPHCA commends Senator Baldwin for centering health care access and affordability through this bill,” said Stephanie Harrison, Executive Director of Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association.

"Expanding access to, and lowering the cost of, health care for Wisconsinites is critically important," said Joe Zepecki, Director of Protect Our Care Wisconsin. "The Bridge to Medicaid Act clearly does just that. Make no mistake, Wisconsin should join the 40 states that have already expanded Medicaid, but in the absence of that common sense long overdue step Protect Our Care is enormously grateful for Senator Baldwin's leadership on this issue."

A one-pager on this legislation is available here. Full text of this legislation is available here.
