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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on the Nomination of Gina Haspel for CIA Director

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement after meeting with Gina Haspel today on her nomination for CIA Director:

“I have reviewed the record of Gina Haspel’s time at the CIA and the classified materials made available to Senators. Today, I had an opportunity to meet with the nominee, and while I appreciate her commitment to public service, I have serious concerns about the role Ms. Haspel played in the CIA’s rendition, detention and so-called enhanced interrogation program. I believe torture is immoral and I am deeply troubled this nominee would not say it is immoral at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing. Like Senator McCain, I believe this refusal is disqualifying. American military officials have made clear that torture undermines our national security and puts our troops at risk, so our leaders must make it clear that torture is not consistent with our American values. I take my duty of advise and consent very seriously, and will vote no on her nomination.”