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Baldwin Supports Bipartisan Border and Immigration Compromise

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement in support of the bipartisan compromise on border security and immigration reform:

“I’ve said from the beginning that I am committed to being a part of the solution to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system. While this bill is not perfect, it is a compromise between both parties in the name of taking action to address the crisis at our Southwest border and keeping our country safe. We have a real chance to invest in border security, give Wisconsin communities the resources they need to manage new migrants, and stop the flow of fentanyl across the border. Wisconsinites know we have a broken system and are demanding action, and that’s why I am proud to support this bipartisan deal and am calling for my colleagues to put aside the political games and deliver for the American people.”

The legislation includes funding for new security and screening technology at the southwest border, hiring more Border Patrol agents, and increasing resources for Customs and Border Protection officers. Portions of Senator Baldwin’s Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act to invest in additional border inspection technology and equipment to detect and stop the flow of fentanyl coming into the United States were included in the legislation. The bill also includes the Baldwin-supported Fentanyl Eradication and Narcotics Deterrence (FEND) Off Fentanyl Act to combat the fentanyl crisis by targeting the fentanyl supply chain, from the chemical suppliers in China to the cartels that traffic the drugs from Mexico. The emergency bill includes a provision that Senator Baldwin recently fought for that will allow Wisconsin communities, like Whitewater, to be eligible for assistance and resources to provide food, shelter, and other services to recently arrived migrants.

In December, Senator Baldwin called on the Senate to include border and immigration provisions in the national security supplemental

More information on this bipartisan compromise is available here.
