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Senator Baldwin to President Biden: Strong Buy America Standards Are Needed Across the Federal Government

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin is urging President Joe Biden to take action and deploy strong Buy America standards across all federal agencies in order to support American businesses, manufacturers and workers.

In a letter to The White House, Senator Baldwin urges President Biden to use his executive authority to boost the economy by directing all federal agencies to maximize the amount of American-made materials and products purchased by the federal government. Baldwin outlines a number of executive actions that the President can take immediately, based on reforms she has authored, to strengthen Buy America standards across the federal government. 

Senator Baldwin writes, “I know that expanding and enhancing Buy America rules is a key part of your Build Back Better agenda and I look forward to working with you to revitalize American manufacturing and create American jobs using the power of the federal government as a buyer and investor in our industrial capabilities. Additionally, I hope you will lend your support to legislative initiatives to expand and enhance domestic content requirements, particularly in advance of a historic investment in our nation’s infrastructure.”

The full letter is available here.

Senator Baldwin has long-championed stronger Buy America standards to ensure that American workers and products are prioritized, especially when U.S. taxpayer dollars are used. And just yesterday, President Biden’s Transportation Secretary-Nominee made a strong commitment to Baldwin that the U.S. Department of Transportation will support and work to implement strong Buy America policies in any upcoming infrastructure plan.