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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Senate Action on Coronavirus Response Legislation

“This is an urgent public health emergency and the Senate needs to take action to support Wisconsin families, workers and small businesses.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin supports immediate Senate action to pass coronavirus response legislation.

“This is an urgent public health emergency and the Senate needs to take action to support Wisconsin families, workers and small businesses. We need to pass legislation that provides free testing for everyone who needs a test so cost is not a barrier. Small and medium-sized businesses need financial help to provide workers with emergency paid family leave, including paid sick leave. This legislation does that and provides more support so that workers don’t lose their pay when they stay home sick, or go without a paycheck to take care of their children who are now home from school,” said Senator Baldwin. “We also must provide states with more federal resources so that we can expand unemployment benefits, increase funding for nutrition assistance and food security programs, and do more to help Wisconsin provide health care services through Medicaid as our state faces increased costs.”

This weekend, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, 364-40-1.

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act includes:

  • Free coronavirus testing for everyone who needs a test, including the uninsured.
  • Emergency paid family leave, including paid sick leave with financial support to small and medium-sized businesses to help them provide it to their workers.
  • Expansion of unemployment benefits with emergency grants to states.
  • Increased federal funding to states for nutrition assistance and food security programs.
  • More federal funds for Medicaid, as states face increased costs.

“This coronavirus response legislation is a strong step forward and the Senate is going to have to work together across party lines to take additional steps, including an economic stimulus response that is targeted toward helping workers and small businesses get through this crisis,” said Senator Baldwin.