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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Receives Navy’s Distinguished Public Service Medal from Secretary Ray Mabus

Navy Distinguished Public Service Medal is the Department of the Navy’s highest award for civilians (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin received the Department of the Navy’s highest award for civilians, the Navy Distinguished Public Service Medal. Senator Baldwin was presented the award by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus at Marinette Marine today.

“I take great pride in representing Wisconsin’s shipbuilding industry because our workers have helped sustain America’s security for generations, boasting a successful history of building ships for our nation’s defense,” said Senator Baldwin. “The LCS program is supported by thousands of skilled workers at the Marinette Marine shipyard and at the 200 suppliers across Wisconsin. I would like to thank my friend, Secretary Mabus, for selecting me for this award – it is truly an honor. I look forward to many more years of working with the Navy and supporting Made in Wisconsin shipbuilding.” 

"Sen. Baldwin has been amazingly helpful to the Navy and Marine Corps and I wanted to formally thank her for her work on behalf of the Department of the Navy ensuring or Sailors and Marines have the resources they need to defend our nation's interests around the globe," said Secretary Ray Mabus.

Senator Baldwin received the award in recognition for her longtime support of the Littoral Combat Ship Program, the Freedom variant of which is built by Marinette Marine, and her advocacy of personnel policies supporting the health and well-being of America’s Sailors and Marines.

The Navy Distinguished Public Service Award, established in 1951, is an award presented by the Secretary of the Navy to civilians for specific courageous or heroic acts or exceptionally outstanding service of substantial and long-term benefit to the Navy, Marine Corps, or Department of the Navy as a whole.

Click here to watch the video of today’s ceremony.