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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Health Care Public Option Reforms

The State Public Option Act and the CHOICE Act would give Wisconsinites more options for affordable health care

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin today announced her support for two public option proposals that would give Wisconsinites more choices for quality, affordable health care insurance coverage.

“Washington has been consumed by a debate this year over partisan repeal efforts that would take people’s health care away,” said Senator Baldwin. “Instead of making things worse, I believe we should move forward to expand coverage and make health care more affordable, not more costly, and that is why I am supporting these reforms to increase competition and provide Wisconsinites more choices for affordable health care.”

The State Public Option Act would create a Medicaid-based public health insurance option for individual marketplaces. This could allow more Wisconsinites the opportunity to enroll in the popular BadgerCare program.

Led by Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI), the State Public Option Act would allow states to create a Medicaid buy-in program for all their residents regardless of income, giving everyone the option to buy into a state-driven Medicaid health insurance plan. Based on partnerships between state and federal governments, these Medicaid-based plans would also give states the flexibility to adapt services and models of care based on their individual needs. More information on the State Public Option Act is available here.

The Consumer Health Options and Insurance Competition Enhancement (CHOICE) Act would establish a publicly operated health insurance option for all individual marketplaces. This guarantees that Americans in every health insurance market in the country have access to an affordable, high quality plan. 

Led by Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Al Franken (D-MN), the CHOICE Act would create a public option subject to all the same protections that apply to other plans offered on Affordable Care Act exchanges. It would ensure access to a broad network of providers and offer the same premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions available to individual marketplace consumers. More information on the CHOICE Act is available here.