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ICYMI: Senator Baldwin Kicks Off “Hands Off Medicaid Tour” in La Crosse

Over one million Wisconsinites, and 1 in 3 children in rural and urban areas, rely on Medicaid for health coverage

LA CROSSE, WI – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) kicked off her “Hands Off Medicaid Tour” in La Crosse to call out President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans’ plan to slash Medicaid to pay for tax cuts for billionaires. In La Crosse, Senator Baldwin was joined by Wisconsinites who shared their stories about how Medicaid helps them and their families afford the care they need to stay healthy.

“Republicans are planning to terminate health care for Wisconsin grandparents, kids, and loved ones on Medicaid – all to pay for new tax breaks for big corporations and billionaires,” said Senator Baldwin. “Today, I was in La Crosse to show Republicans what cuts to Medicaid would mean for real Wisconsinites and send the message loudly and clearly: Hands off Medicaid.”

Senator Baldwin was joined by the following Wisconsinites who shared their stories and appealed to Congressional Republicans to stop their efforts to terminate the health care that keeps them and their families well:

  • Kim Fredrick – Mindoro, WI – Kim shared the story of her 17-year-old son Matt who has Down Syndrome and has been on Medicaid since he was a few months old.
  • Rachel Maxon – Stoddard, WI – Rachel shared that her 5-year-old daughter with autism and 78-year-old father-in-law with dementia rely on Medicaid for their health, safety, and increased independence in the community.
  • Dana Horstman – Bangor, WI – Dana has relied on Medicaid since a spinal cord injury in 2013 left her in a wheelchair.
  • Tina Pohlman – La Crosse, WI – Tina was diagnosed with lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome in 2002 and receives Medicaid assistance.
  • Bethany McAlister – La Crosse, WI – Bethany shared her story of multiple people in her family who rely on Medicaid, including her brother with down syndrome and mother-in-law with dementia.

Republicans are planning deep cuts to Medicaid that will jeopardize the coverage of 72 million Americans. In Wisconsin, over 1.2 million are enrolled in Medicaid. About 1 in 3 children in both Wisconsin’s rural and metro communities have Medicaid coverage. More than 300,000 kids under age 19 are members of BadgerCare Plus or another Wisconsin Medicaid program.

Across the country, Medicaid covers nearly half of all children, 31.5 million, over 8.3 million seniors, and around 15 million people with disabilities. Medicaid also pays for 6 out of 10 residents in nursing homes, with 5.6 million Americans counting on Medicaid for their long-term care bills and Medicaid paying for over half of long-term care in the United States. Severe cuts to Medicaid will also jeopardize rural hospitals and clinics’ ability to keep their doors open. Over 12 million rural Americans rely on Medicaid for health care.

The next stops of the “Hands Off Medicaid Tour” include:

  • Eau Claire on Tuesday, March 18, 2025
  • Madison and Racine on Thursday, March 20, 2025
  • Waukesha on Friday, March 21, 2025
