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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Applauds U.S. Labor Secretary’s Announcement of Investments to Train and Develop Tech Talent in Wisconsin

 WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin today applauded the U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez’s announcement of $17 million in TechHire Partnership grants to Wisconsin. Four groups from Wisconsin were awarded grants: Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC), Employ Milwaukee, Inc., United Migrant Opportunity Services, Inc. in Milwaukee (UMOS), and the Waukesha Ozaukee Washington Workforce Development Board. With these funds, awardees will launch innovative training and placement models to develop tech talent, as a way to keep and create jobs in local economies.

“Workforce readiness initiatives that train and develop tech talent can help us build a stronger path into the middle class,” said Senator Baldwin. “Today’s investment in Wisconsin will help us prepare workers for high-skill, good paying jobs. I applaud the Obama Administration helping to raise incomes and strengthen our Made In Wisconsin economy.” 

Additional information on the Wisconsin groups is below:

Chippewa Valley Technical College ($5 million)

Through the Interfacing Manufacturing Processes and Connecting Technologies (IMPACT) project, Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) will deliver training in skills required for advanced manufacturing, IT, and broadband to 525 individuals across 40 counties in four states, with a focus on youth and young adults facing barriers to work opportunities. Participants will have the opportunity to earn one or more credentials, including certificates and Associate degrees, in programs that will be specifically developed to help them demonstrate skills needed for employability. Many partners have signed on to help achieve the goals of IMPACT, including education and training providers, workforce boards, business-related organizations, and employers such as 3M Company and Rockwell Automation.

Employ Milwaukee ($4 million)

Employ Milwaukee, Inc. has helped develop the Compete Midwest H-1B TechHire Partnership among three TechHire communities in the Midwest—Milwaukee, WI; St. Louis, MO; and Cincinnati, OH. These cities are teaming up to help connect participants to well-paying jobs in high-growth sectors like IT and healthcare. The cities will collaborate to share best practices and tackle common challenges. Compete Midwest has already signed on 28 employers and regional industry associations, and nearly 50 employers and consortia that represent hundreds of companies have joined Employ Milwaukee’s Industry Advisory Board. Over the next 4 years, this partnership will serve 400 young adults, as well as 100 low-wage and long-term unemployed adults.

United Migrant Opportunity Services, Inc. (UMOS) ($4 million)

The Eastern Wisconsin TechHire Collaborative aims to train and prepare individuals for high-skill, well-paying jobs like software applications development. Spearheaded by United Migrant Opportunity Services, Inc. (UMOS), the program will include: personal assessment, case management, I.T. instruction, supportive services, paid internships, job recruitment, job placement, retention assistance, and follow-up with industry-recognized credentials earned through an online instruction platform. Eastern Wisconsin TechHire Collaborative will primarily target young adults with barriers to employment opportunities, but will also include veterans and other minority populations. UMOS will also work closely with employers like Schneider, Advanced Wireless, and the Marcus Corporation on this effort, as well as with the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin.

Waukesha Ozaukee Washington Workforce Development Board ($4 million)

Building on the momentum from TechHire Milwaukee, the WorkIT program will implement a comprehensive IT training program that will prepare youth and young adults from seven counties in Southeast Wisconsin for employment in advanced manufacturing, information technology and healthcare. Led by Waukesha-Ozaukee-Washington Workforce Development Board Inc., this program has gained the support of four regional industry associations and 42 individual employers from these high-growth industries. WorkIT participants will be assessed, provided an individualized plan, and placed on a training track that seeks to help them set goals that eventually lead to a job. Support services such transportation, health, and child care will be made available when needed.

The Wisconsin grants were part of 39 grants awarded by the Department of Labor – totaling $150 million, including $126 million for at-risk and disadvantaged young Americans – for programs in 25 states and Washington, D.C.