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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin: “Let's talk about numbers we can all agree on.”

20 percent of Wisconsin’s public roads and 14 percent of bridges are in need of repair


Bipartisan effort needed to rebuild Wisconsin’s crumbling infrastructure


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement on the need for a bipartisan effort to rebuild Wisconsin’s crumbling infrastructure:

“Instead of debating about the number of people at the inauguration, let's talk about numbers we can all agree on: The number of roads and bridges that need to be fixed in Wisconsin. According to the most recent available data, more than 20 percent of Wisconsin’s public roads are in poor condition and 14 percent of bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.”

“I have been an active partner in strengthening Wisconsin’s transportation network.  In December 2015, I supported the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act—long-term federal transportation legislation that increased funding and cut red tape.  We now need to work together on doing more to address Wisconsin’s transportation infrastructure crisis.  I believe that in order for us to create an economy built to last we need to make federal investments in a 21st century American infrastructure that provides businesses with the quality transportation system they need to move their goods to market.

“I stand ready to work across party lines to make these investments and put people to work rebuilding our roads, bridges and ports because it will create jobs and boost local economies in Wisconsin.”