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Senator Baldwin Applauds EPA Taking Next Step to Strengthen Renewable Fuel Standard

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) released the following statement on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) multi-part proposal to build on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program for 2023, 2024, and 2025. The RFS requires annual volumes of renewable fuels, including ethanol, be used in the fuel supply to reduce emissions, improve energy security and lower costs.


“I appreciate the Biden Administrations commitment to growing our biofuel industry and today’s announcement is a step in the right direction for our homegrown, clean energy economy,” said Senator Baldwin. “Stronger RFS standards not only support Wisconsin corn growers and biofuel producers, but also generate savings at the pump for working families, lower carbon emissions, and increase our energy security. I’ve been a proud advocate for Wisconsin’s strong biofuels industry and look forward to continuing this work with the Administration to provide certainty for our farmers and our Made In Wisconsin renewable fuels economy.”

Senator Baldwin has long pushed the EPA to increase the biofuel volume under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) to increase our energy security, cut pollution, and support Wisconsin’s biofuels industry. Senator Baldwin is also a co-sponsor of the bipartisan, bicameral Defend the Blend Act, which would prohibit the EPA from retroactively reducing RVO levels once the annual rule is finalized.

This proposal includes steady growth of biofuels for use in the nation’s fuel supply for 2023, 2024, and 2025. Because the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) does not include volumes after 2022, this is the first time that EPA is setting these proposed biofuel volume targets without using those outlined in statute. 

This proposed rule would increase U.S. energy security by reducing U.S. reliance on oil imports by roughly 160,000 to 180,000 barrels of oil per year over the time frame of the proposed rule, 2023 to 2025. The anticipated value of the energy security benefits over the time frame of the proposed rule ranges from $200-$223 million per year. More information on the proposal can be found here.