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Senator Baldwin Applauds Senate Confirmation of Janet Yellen as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement on the Senate Conformation Janet Yelled as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
“I was proud to join a group of my Senate colleagues in July in encouraging President Obama to nominate Janet Yellen as Chairman for the Federal Reserve.  I was pleased that the President nominated Ms. Yellen and I applaud the U.S. Senate for confirming her for this important position.
“Few individuals have more influence upon the United States economy that the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. At a time of persistently high unemployment it is vital that we have a Chairman that is focused on returning our economy to full employment. Simply put, Ms. Yellen,  our first female Chairman of the Federal Reserve,  is an excellent choice to serve our nation at this critical time for America’s economy and I support her historic confirmation wholeheartedly.”