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Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Republican Obstruction of Paycheck Fairness Act

Washington D.C. – Following Republican obstruction of the Paycheck Fairness Act, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin made the following statement. Baldwin joined Democratic leadership and Democratic women senators to speak about the Paycheck Fairness Act during a press conference at the Capitol today.
“It’s time for my Republican colleagues to put politics aside and stop ignoring pay inequity. In America today, millions of women are working full-time, yet far too many are barely getting by, and far too many women and children are living in poverty. That’s simply wrong.
“The right thing to do is to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, level the playing field and give women a fair shot at getting ahead because they deserve equal pay for equal work. Opposition to the Paycheck Fairness Act is a war on progress for our country when this legislation will move America forward. It’s time to come together to build an America where hard work is rewarded and where there is a fair shot for everyone.”
According to the National Partnership for Women and Families, Wisconsin women, on average, are paid 78 cents for every dollar paid to men, amounting to a yearly gap of $10,363 between comparably educated men and women who work full-time in the state.
The Paycheck Fairness Act updates and strengthens the landmark Equal Pay Act signed into law in 1963. The Paycheck Fairness Act would help women fight wage unfairness and prohibit employers from retaliating against workers who discuss salaries with colleagues. It would also require employers to prove that pay differences exist for legitimate, job-related reasons; provide businesses, especially small ones, assistance with equal pay practices; and recognize employers for excellence in their pay practices.