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Senators Baldwin, Collins Recognize National Loggers Day with Bipartisan Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Susan Collins (R-ME) led a bipartisan resolution recognizing today, October 12th, 2023, as National Loggers Day. The Senate resolution highlights the many contributions and economic benefits of the logging industry in the United States. According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the forest products industry in Wisconsin supports over 60,000 jobs across the state, with a total industry output of over $24 billion.

“Since the early days of the Badger State, Wisconsin’s loggers have served as responsible stewards of our forests, supporting a bustling timber and forest products industry that has moved our Made in Wisconsin economy forward for generations,” said Senator Baldwin. “I am proud to lead this bipartisan resolution with Senator Collins to honor that legacy, and recognize the hard work Wisconsin loggers do to protect the health of our forests, create jobs, and contribute to our American-made forest products supply chain.” 

“Throughout Maine’s history, our forest products industry has supported good-paying jobs, driven local economies, strengthened rural communities, and protected our natural environment.  I come from a six-generation forest-products family and know of no other enterprise that requires more faith in the future and respect for the past,” said Senator Collins. “I am proud to join Senator Baldwin in honoring the skilled and resilient loggers in Maine and across the country.  I have strongly supported these hardworking men and women by advocating for workforce development programs, and I look forward to continuing to be a strong partner on issues to protect this resilient industry and its talented employees.”

This resolution was co-sponsored by Senators Angus King (I-ME), Jim Risch (R-ID), and Roger Wicker (R-MS) and is supported by the American Loggers Council and Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association. 

“The American Loggers Council appreciates the Congressional recognition of the men and women working in the woods and transporting the renewable material necessary to make products (lumber, paper, energy, biofuels, and insulation) that society depends on daily,” said Scott Dane, Executive Director of the American Loggers Council. “While, at the same time, keeping America’s forests healthy for wildlife habitat and outdoor recreation. America’s loggers and truckers are an American legacy and proud stewards of the forests.

Full text of the Senate Resolution is available here and below:

Designating October 12, 2023, as “National Loggers Day”. 

Whereas the logging industry has served as an economic driver and cultural tradition in the United States for centuries;

Whereas the logging industry creates rural jobs and provides revenue for local and State governments and National forests;

Whereas loggers provide renewable material for products used by people in the United States every day;

Whereas loggers are the first link in the $300,000,000,000 domestic forest products supply chain;

Whereas loggers are the means by which healthy forest management plans are accomplished;

Whereas logging provides for healthy forests, which—

(1) maintain vital animal habitats;

(2) protect watersheds;

(3) sequester carbon;

(4) provide public recreational opportunities; and

(5) reduce loss of life and property from wildfires; and

Whereas logging provides for healthy forests through regeneration, including by planting 2,500,000,000 trees annually: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate designates October 12, 2023, as “National Loggers Day”.