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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Senate Vote to Terminate President Trump’s Declaration of a National Emergency

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Senate voted on a disapproval resolution to terminate President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency.

Last month, the House of Representatives passed the resolution of disapproval with bipartisan support, 245 to 182. U.S. Representatives Jim Sensenbrenner, Ron Kind, Gwen Moore, Mark Pocan and Mike Gallagher all voted for the resolution.

Senator Baldwin released the following statement about today’s Senate vote which passed with bipartisan support, 59-41:

“I voted today with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate for this resolution of disapproval because President Trump’s unlawful power grab is an attack on our Constitution’s separation of powers.

“I support strengthening our border security and that is why I voted for bipartisan legislation that was signed by the President in January that provides the Department of Homeland Security with $1.375 billion to build border barriers where they are needed most. The bipartisan legislation also includes $415 million in humanitarian assistance and $570 million for specialized screening equipment at our Ports of Entry to detect illegal drugs and prevent human smuggling. I do not believe there is a factual basis for President Trump declaring a national emergency and he is wrong to now take billions of dollars from our military to pay for a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for.  

“Our Constitution is very clear that Congress has the power of the purse and President Trump can’t just steal the purse and spend money on whatever he wants. I support the Senate resolution of disapproval and I voted to stand up for our Constitution and our American system of checks and balances.”