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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces Her Support of General James Mattis’ Nomination to be Secretary of Defense and General John Kelly’s Nomination to be Secretary of Homeland Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin today released the following statements announcing her support for two national security confirmations that will be voted on in the U.S Senate today.

Statement on General James Mattis’ confirmation to be Secretary of Defense:

"I have deep respect for General Mattis’ impressive and dedicated military service to our country. As a leader of American military forces, I believe he knows firsthand the sacrifices our service members and their families are asked to make. Because he knows the costs of war, I am hopeful that he will provide a strong and principled voice within the next administration. After meeting with General Mattis and reviewing his record, I am confident that he embraces a pragmatic and thoughtful approach to U.S. national security and shares my priorities of maintaining an inclusive and diverse force, and supporting our skilled manufacturing base in Wisconsin, where we make the ships, trucks and other equipment that help our troops complete their missions successfully and safely."

Statement on General John Kelly’s confirmation to be Secretary of Homeland Security:

"Leading the Department of Homeland Security is a complex challenge during challenging times for our country’s security, and General Kelly's distinguished record of service speaks to his commitment to keep our nation safe. His willingness to speak truth to power gives me hope that he will serve the country well in the next administration and I am confident that he understands the cybersecurity threats we face and must confront. I am also heartened that he shares my commitment to address the opioid and heroin crisis in America, which has devastated so many Wisconsin families. I support General Kelly's confirmation but I will also be a voice that holds the Trump administration accountable to protect the American freedoms we all cherish and the right of everyone to pursue their hopes and dreams.”