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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Discusses Stronger Way Act at Heartland Alliance National Conference

Baldwin’s Stronger Way Act Offers Real Solutions to Reward Work

CHICAGO, IL – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin discussed her new legislation to help fight poverty, The Stronger Way Act, at the Heartland Alliance National Conference.  Heartland Alliance is home to the National Transitional Jobs Network, a coalition dedicated to solutions addressing chronic unemployment

“I was inspired to write the Stronger Way Act when I saw the incredible work being done by organizations like Heartland Alliance and groups even closer to home in Wisconsin. It is clear that we need to do more to build an economy that works for everyone and respects the hard work of every American. The Stronger Way Act will help us do just that,” said Senator Baldwin. “Together we can meet the challenge of lifting people up and out of poverty with respect, opportunity, and the dignity of work.”

The legislation has received support from local, state, and national leaders including the Director of Heartland Alliance’s National Initiatives on Poverty & Economic Opportunity, Melissa Young.

“At Heartland Alliance, we believe that every person deserves the opportunity to work and support themselves and their families. We support the Stronger Way Act’s focus on creating pathways to work and opportunity for all through transitional jobs programs,” said Young.

In July, Senator Baldwin introduced The Stronger Way Act with Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ). The legislation will help meet the challenge of lifting people up and out of poverty, moving our unemployed into the workforce and advancing tax reforms that make work pay.  Specifically, The Stronger Way Act creates a new federal partnership to support state and local transitional jobs programs; rewards work with tax reforms that raise incomes for working families and individuals; and targets tax credits to working families with children.

Yesterday, Senator Baldwin gave remarks at UMOS’ Faith-Based Luncheon in Milwaukee where she also spoke about The Stronger Way Act.