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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on National Defense Authorization Act

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement after the Senate passed the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by a vote of 70-27:

“There are measures in this bill that I have worked to include and support, like provisions from my Military Facilities Force Protection Act and investments in military vehicles manufactured in Oshkosh, but Senate Republicans have pursued the wrong path of funding gimmicks that shortchange our military and their families.

“This defense bill is inflated with one-year budget gimmicks and locks in cuts to investments in cybersecurity and counterterrorism that are critical to our national security. In addition, this legislation relies on deep, automatic cuts to investments in health care, scientific research, transportation, education, and other middle-class priorities that strengthen our economic security at home. Unnecessary restrictions on the Littoral Combat Ship program, included in the version of the bill previously passed by the Senate, have been reduced, and I will continue to work to ensure Congress does not limit the production of these ships made at Marinette Marine.

“I oppose this legislation and President Obama has made it clear he will veto it. I now look forward to working with members of both parties to improve this bill before it becomes law, so that our budget choices support our service members, our national security, and our Wisconsin economy.”