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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Plans to Improve Fifth Ward Rail Bridge in Milwaukee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement on Canadian Pacific’s plans to make improvements on a rail bridge in Milwaukee’s densely populated 5th Ward:

“Last month, I heard concerns raised by Milwaukee citizens over a rail bridge that runs through downtown Milwaukee’s 5th ward. I called on the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) to take immediate action. Shortly thereafter, to its credit, the agency began auditing Canadian Pacific’s bridge inspection reports. Today, I am pleased to learn that Canadian Pacific is moving to address the concerns of Milwaukee City officials and concerned citizens by announcing plans to improve the structural integrity of this bridge.

“As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I’ve worked to make more funding available for the FRA to inspect freight rail infrastructure and for railroads to improve their lines, especially along crude oil routes like the one that runs through downtown Milwaukee. It is critical that the FRA can put resources to use increasing the safety of rail lines that run though communities in Wisconsin and across the country.”