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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on Public Release of VA Office of Inspector General Reports

USA Today: “Senator demands answers on VA wait-time reports”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement in response to a USA Today story yesterday that reported the VA Office of Inspector General (VA OIG) has not released publically investigative reports addressing wait time manipulations at VA facilities across the country.

“There is a bipartisan commitment in Congress to fix problems at the VA but we need better transparency from the Office of Inspector General. That’s why I authored a reform that was recently-signed into law which requires the VA Inspector General to submit reports to Congress and make them available to the public. That is the standard and it is unacceptable that it isn’t being met.

“We can provide better care to veterans if the VA Inspector General’s office is willing to partner with Congress to address the problems at VA that prevent timely, high-quality care.  I urge the Inspector General’s office to release its reports on potential wait-time manipulations because we need to know what the problems are so we can address them with solutions and ensure that our veterans are getting the care they need and have earned.

“I will hold the nomination of the VA Inspector General until I receive a commitment that the Inspector General’s office will change business as usual and start releasing these reports publicly so we can put solutions in place that solve problems at the VA.”


USA Today - 2/24/16: VA watchdog sits on wait-time investigation reports for months

USA Today - 2/25/16: Senator demands answers on VA wait-time reports – “Sen. Tammy Baldwin placed a hold on President Obama’s nominee to be the next inspector general at the Department of Veterans Affairs because she is concerned the inspector general’s office is keeping Congress and the public in the dark about problems at the VA.”