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U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Votes for Bipartisan Immigration Reform

Washington D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin released the following statement on her vote for bipartisan immigration reform and U.S. Senate passage of S. 744, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.
“Our immigration system is broken and I believe we need to fix it for all Americans. My Senate colleagues and I have worked across party lines and come a long way to find common ground on a long-term solution that fixes our broken immigration system once and for all. The Senate immigration bill doesn’t include some provisions I support and contains some measure I don’t. So it’s not perfect—it’s a compromise. I voted for this comprehensive immigration reform plan because I believe it is important to stand on the side of solutions that have earned broad support across the nation and in the Senate from Democrats and Republicans.
"The bipartisan Senate plan puts in place a pathway for earned citizenship for undocumented individuals who are currently here living in the shadows.  The measure builds on our efforts to strengthen border security. It reduces our deficit over the next 10 years by $175 billion and by an additional $700 billion in the following ten years.  This plan provides our Wisconsin agriculture economy a stable, secure workforce.  And reform provides students who were brought to our country as children, who have worked hard to earn a high school diploma, the opportunity they deserve to contribute to their communities by attending college, serving in the military, or starting their career.   
I believe immigration reform will boost our economy, strengthen businesses, bolster security at our borders, and keep more Wisconsin families together.  The time is now for the House of Representatives to stop standing in the way of progress for our country and move the Senate reform plan forward. This bipartisan solution fixes a broken system and will help families pursue and realize the American dream. Immigration is vital part of our American story, and immigrants should continue to have the opportunity to help build a stronger future for themselves and our country.”