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WATCH: Senator Baldwin Delivers Remarks Honoring Senator Herb Kohl on Senate Floor

WISCONSIN – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin delivered remarks on the Senate floor, honoring the life and legacy of Senator Herb Kohl. An excerpt and full video of those remarks can be found below.

“Senator Kohl served in this body for 24 years, but served the people of Wisconsin and our country throughout his entire life. In the Senate, he didn’t care how long the fight would take, how long the odds were, or who he was up against – if it would help the people of Wisconsin, it was worthy of him to engage in that fight. His mantra throughout his service was, ‘Nobody’s Senator But Yours,’ and his record in Washington reflected that commitment to a tee,” said Senator Baldwin on the Senate floor. “Though Herb Kohl may have had the reputation as a ‘common man,’ his legacy is anything but ordinary. From humble roots as the son of immigrants in Milwaukee, Herb’s immense success in business, in public life, and philanthropy personified the American Dream made reality through a Wisconsin work ethic and unwavering commitment to doing right by his neighbors. There is truly no one like Senator Herb Kohl, and Wisconsin is so lucky to have had him fighting in our corner.”

Click here for a full video of Senator Baldwin’s remarks.
