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Asian Carp Discovered Near Lake Michigan Days After Senator Baldwin Introduces Legislation Demanding Trump Administration Take the Next Step to Stop the Spread of This Invasive Species

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, a member of the Senate Great Lakes Task Force, released a statement after a live eight-pound Asian carp was found only nine miles from Lake Michigan today. This discovery comes just days after Senator Baldwin introduced bipartisan legislation demanding immediate action from the Trump Administration to prevent Asian carp from getting closer to our Great Lakes.

“I’ve been sounding the alarm on the threat Asian carp pose to our Great Lakes, our quality of life in Wisconsin and our freshwater economy. Today’s discovery is incredibly troubling and it shows how urgent our fight is right now,” said Senator Baldwin. “There is no excuse for any further delay—the Trump Administration must release the Brandon Road study so we can get to work on a permanent plan to stop Asian carp from ever devastating our Great Lakes. I’ve introduced bipartisan legislation requiring the release of this report because Wisconsin communities can’t wait any longer.”

This week, Senator Baldwin introduced the Stop Asian Carp Now Act. The bipartisan and bicameral legislation will require the Trump Administration to release the Brandon Road Study within seven days of the bill’s enactment.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study will recommend specific measures to prevent Asian carp from getting beyond the Brandon Road Lock and Dam, a crucial chokepoint in the Chicago waterway system. This report, which is critical to stopping Asian carp and other invasive species from reaching the Great Lakes, was supposed to be released at the end of February but was delayed by the Trump Administration.

Senator Baldwin has been calling for the Brandon Road Study to be released to Wisconsin communities once it was delayed by the Trump Administration.